piątek, 29 maja 2020

6b gr.2 Friday 29.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
How are you?

Topic: Test yourself Unit 6

Vocabulary related to the future, flying objects  Ex.1.
Complete the sentences.Ex.2
Future Simple Ex.3.Using will/won't
Interrogative and negative forms of FS.
Communication skills - Ex.6
Fortune-telling Fun Ex1/85

The Universe/Space vocabulary
  QUIZ The Universe 

1 in spin                                                                                                  
2 in turn
3 in orbit
4 eclipse
5 comet
6 nebulus
7 axis
8 compound
9 element
10 glacier
11 the big Bang

1 w wirze
2 z kolei
3 na orbicie
4 zaćmienie
5 kometa
6 mgławica
7 oś Ziemi
8 mieszanka,związek chemiczny
9 element, pierwiastek
10 lodowiec
11 Wielki Wybuch

4b Friday 29.05.2020

Hello, my friends!
How are you today?    

           Topic: Do you like your school?

 Dzisiaj zaczynamy nowy temat ,,School language" Wysłuchajcie dialogów ze str.40
KOD: 3BYE64 na  www. docwiczenia.pl : dialog 54
Wypiszcie nieznane słówka oraz PHRASE BOOK i napiszcie ich znaczenie.
Word list znajduje się na str.42


See you next week!
Take care!

6c gr.1 Friday 29.05.2020

Hi, guys!
How are you doing today?

Checking homework:
Test yourself: Ex.3,4,5,6,7/62,63.
Speaking Ex.7/63.
Fortune telling Fun 84,85

Short Test at the end of the lesson.

6a gr.2 Friday 28.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: In the future

    Checking homework: WORKBOOK    Ex.58,59.           
1. Text,, In the future" (2.19)
2.Listening comprehension Ex 2
3.Phrasal Book Ex.3
4. Reading comprehension. Ex.6
5. Put dialogues in the correct order Ex.5

6b gr1. Friday 29.05 2020

Hello, guys!
Are you alright?

Topic: Everyday gadgets

  Now we start a new Unit - It is a material world.
  Write down the vocabulary on page 91.
  The translation can be found on page 98.
  Listening comprehension Ex 1.4,6/90
  Reading comprehension Ex.3,5/90,91
  The text "Everyday gadgets" can be prepared in advance.
  We will be analysing it - for those willing to do so on Friday.
  For being active you can get a very good mark.

Workbook Ex.1-8/64,65

Stationary Items - TK Office Solutions


czwartek, 28 maja 2020

5b THURSDAY 28.05.2020

Hello, my friends
How are you today?                              


Topic: Where is the cat?

1. Przepiszcie zdania do zeszytu :

   Chester is in the box.               
   Chester is in front of the box
   Chester is next to the box.
   Chester is under the box.
   Chester is on top of the box.
   Chester is between the boxes.

 2. Jeszcze raz oglądnijcie filmik. Potraficie przetłumaczyć zdania?

 3. Zróbcie poniższe ćwiczenie:

Prepositions of Place Exercises With Pictures | Articles ...

To wszystko na dziś, następna lekcja będzie online.
See you next week!
Take care!  Bye!😊

6b gr.1 THURSDAY 28.05.2020

Hello, guys!
How are you doing today?
Topic: Revision of Unit 6.

Are you ready to write a  vocabulary short test?
Kartkówka  będzie  opublikowana na blogu o 14.05 w dniu  28.05.2020.
Piszemy online Na rozwiązanie macie 45 minut.Gdy skończycie ,wyślijcie kartkówkę na mój adres.


Napiszcie do zeszytu VOCABULARY ze  str.91 w zielonej ramce i przetłumaczcie (str.98)
Przesłuchajcie tekst ,,Everyday gadgets"(CD2/26)
Spróbujcie zrobić ćw.1-3/64  WORKBOOK

6a gr.2 THURSDAY 28.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: Science fiction
Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować temat "Science fiction", ale naszym tematem przewodnim będzie
Future Simple - Grammar.
Struktura czasu Future Simple - reguły stosowania.(Ex.6 oraz Tabela z przykładami zdań).
Znajdzcie  w tekscie czasowniki w czasie Future Simple.

Ćwiczenia- formy zdań oznajmujące, przeczące i pytające(.Ex.7,8/77).
Workbook. (Future SImple Ex. 3-7/56)

 SHORT TEST UNITU 5 -(21.05 2020, w czwartek)
Słówka +Present Pertect PISZEMY ONLINE

6c gr.1 Thursday 28.05.2020


Hello, everyone!
How are you today?
Topic: Can you do it? Unit 6.

Today we are finishing Unit 6. Next Thursday you are going to write a short test. That's why I will check how you learned the Future Simple and words related Future life of our planet -Earth Did you do all the exercises up to page 61 in your Workbook

We'll start with the exercises in your books:
 Can you do it? (page 82,83/ Ex. 1-5)

Test yourself (Workbook) page 62-63.

8b/s THURSDAY 28.05.2020

Are you okay?

KONSULTACJE  w poniedziałki godz.14.00 w szkole lub online.


Links to the Tests:



Today we're going to write a short test related to vocabulary,, in the restaurant and food."
WORKBOOK: Review Unit 6
Grammar: A,B,C,D./ 74,75
Listening comprehension Ex.D/7
Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)

Powtórzyć Irregular Verbs - kartkówka on Wednesday.

środa, 27 maja 2020

8b/s Wednesday 27.05 2020

Hi, Guys!

KONSULTACJE:  PONIEDZIAŁKI  godz. 14.00  w szkole .
(Należy przynieść ze sobą pisemną zgodę rodziców.)

  We're going to have a rehearsal lesson relating to Unit 6 .
  Grammar  Guide Ex.152-153.
  Review of Ex.102
  Here are the links to the tests




Write a review of the best restaurant you have ever been.

6b gr.2 Wednesday 27.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
Are you okay?

Topic: The world in the future



Reading comprehension.Ex.1,2,3,4./80
Phrase Book -  making predictions
Play with sounds Ex.7/81
Writing - predictions for future  6/81.

The Universe  Ex.14.05.20
1in spin                                                                                                  
2in turn
3in orbit
11the big Bang

1w wirze
2z kolei
3na orbicie
9Element, pierwiastek
11Wielki Wybuch

Nikola P. Wednesday 27.05.2020


Hello, Nikola!
How are you feeling?
Are you all right?

Topic: Revision of Unit1-6

 Nikola, Today there will be an online lesson
 Prepare the Students' Book and Workbook.I hope you wrote an essay.

 You were supposed to send me an essay. I haven't received any work of yours yet.
 Please, send it to me as soon as possible because I have to give you a semester grade.
 Today's lesson will be devoted to analyzing the further trial exam. Do it and send me the answers by email.



Michał W. Wednesday 27.05.2020

 Hello, Michał! 

How are you today? 

Topic: My  school.

Dzisiaj będziemy kotynuować temat szkoły 
Zobacz filmik,możesz wypisac pomieszczenia w szkole, które pojawią się w filmiku
Pozostałe pomieszczenia wypisz z podręcznika. (str. 42)

Połacz obrazki z napisami :

School subjects - Drag and drop - Interactive worksheet


wtorek, 26 maja 2020

Olivier K. Tuesday 26.05.2020

Hello, everybody!                                                                                                                                How are you today?
Topic: My favourite school subject.

Zaczynamy dzisiaj nowy temat ,,My favourite subject at school" 
Zobacz filmik,możesz wypisac przedmioty szkolne, którepojawią się w filmiku
Pozostałe przedmioty wypisz z podręcznika. (str. 42)

Połacz obrazki z napisami :

School subjects - Drag and drop - Interactive worksheet


6b gr.2 Tuesday 26.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: In the future
1. Text,, In the future" (2.19) -  listening comprehension.
2. Write new words in your notebook and translate them.
3. Answering the questions to the text.  Ex.2
4 . Phrasal Book - write and translate. Ex.3.
5. Reading comprehension. Ex.6
6. Put sentences of the dialogue in the correct order Ex.5


Thank you!
Joanna Drajewicz

6b gr.1 Tuesday 26.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
How are you?

Topic: Test yourself Unit 6

Vocabulary related to the future, flying objects  Ex.1.
Complete the sentences.Ex.2
Future Simple Ex.3.Using will/won't
Interrogative and negative forms of FS.
Communication skills - Ex.6
Fortune-telling Fun Ex1/85

The Universe/Space vocabulary
  QUIZ The Universe 

1 in spin                                                                                                  
2 in turn
3 in orbit
4 eclipse
5 comet
6 nebulus
7 axis
8 compound
9 element
10 glacier
11 the big Bang

1 w wirze
2 z kolei
3 na orbicie
4 zaćmienie
5 kometa
6 mgławica
7 oś Ziemi
8 mieszanka,związek chemiczny
9 element, pierwiastek
10 lodowiec
11 Wielki Wybuch

poniedziałek, 25 maja 2020

Helena D Monday 25.05.2020

Hello, Helena?
How are you doing?

Hi, today we'll continue to write the trial tests.



If you have some free time, write a short piece on the subject;
My favourite book or movie

6e dz Monday 25.05.2020

Hello, girls!
How are you doing?

Topic: Revision of  Unit3

Writing time- using Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Ex.6/41 -  choose the correct options.
Ex.7/41 - write an email to your friends about your plans -Homework.
Test yourself of Unit 3.

6e ch Monday 25.05.2020

Hello, guys!
How are you doing?

Topic: Revision of Unit3

Writing time- using Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Ex.6/41 -  choose the correct options.
Ex.7/41 - write an email to your friends about your plans -Homework.
Test yourself of Unit 3.

piątek, 22 maja 2020

6c gr.1 Friday 22.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: In the future
1. Text,, In the future" (2.19)
2 Listening comprehension Ex. 2
3.Phrasal Book Ex.3
4. Put sentences of the dialogue in the correct order Ex.5

What do you think about life on Earth in the future?
Are you optimistic or rather pessimistic? (5-10 sentences)

Thank you!
Have a nice weekend!
Joanna Drajewicz The Universe/Space vocabulary
  QUIZ The Universe  Ex.14.05.20

1 in spin                                                                                                  
2 in turn
3 in orbit
4 eclipse
5 comet
6 nebulus
7 axis
8 compound
9 element
10 glacier
11 the big Bang

1 w wirze
2 z kolei
3 na orbicie
4 zaćmienie
5 kometa
6 mgławica
7 oś Ziemi
8 mieszanka,związek chemiczny
9 element, pierwiastek
10 lodowiec
11 Wielki Wybuch

6a gr.2 Friday 22.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?                                                  


Topic: The sky at night.
Future Simple and Time Expressions

Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować pracę z tekstem .
Grammar - Future Simple Ex.5,6,7./79 .Time expressions.
New vocabulary: live in the future:4,5,6,7/79
Page:58,59 in Woorkbook.Complete if you haven't finished yet.

6b gr.2 Friday 22.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: Grammar -Future Simple-Time expressions

Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować temat "Sciece Fiction", ale naszym tematem przewodnim będzie
Future Simple -Time expressions Ex.5,6,7/79.

Ćwiczenia- formy zdań oznajmujące, przeczące i pytające(.Ex.7,8/78).
Workbook. (Future SImple Ex. 1-5/58,59)

Praca z tekstem:"Science fiction "
Reading and listening comprehension: Ex.4//79.
Speaking Ex.2/Workbook. Ex 5,6,7,8./59

6b gr1 Friday 22.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: Predictions. What your life will be like in the future?

 Today, we'll start with the exercises in your book:
 Can you do it? (page 82,83/ Ex. 1-5)
 Reading comprehension Ex.3 /82 Text1,2. Fill in the gaps.
 Spoken exercises -examples of fortune-telling,
 Get ready to fortune-telling(in pairs)Examples of the questions.

Test Yourself Unit 6 .

czwartek, 21 maja 2020

5b Thursday 21.05.2020

Hello, my friends
How are you today?                                    


Topic:,, Tidy up your room"! Ex.1/52
1. Reading  comprehension and vocabulary
2.Listening comprehension Ex2 /52
3.Phrase Book: Tidying up
4. Reading the dialoguesEx.4/52-speaking
5.Construction : ,,there is/are"
6 Prepositions of place: in, on between, next to, etc.

6a gr.2 Thursday 21.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?                                                  


Topic: The sky at night. Future Simple

Dzisiaj zaczynamy analizować  tekst "The sky at night". Przypomnimy sobie nowe słówka z ostatniej lekcji. Będziecie mogli zdobyć bardzo dobrą ocenę za aktywność i pracę na lekcji.
Reading comprehension- Ex.2,3,4/76
Grammar - Future Simple
Struktura, użycie, kiedy stosujemy czas Future Simple ? Ex.7,8/77
Page:56,57 in Woorkbook

6c gr1 Thursday 21.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: In the future

1. A short test  of Unit 5                                       
2. Vocabulary to the text,, In the future"

 From the text,, In the future"write down new words to your copybooks.
 Translate them and learn by heart.

6b gr.1 Thursday 21.05.2020


Hello, everyone!
How are you today?
Topic: Can you do it? Unit 6.

Today we are finishing Unit 6. Next Thursday you are going to write a short test. That's why I will check how you learned the Future Simple and words related Future life of our planet -Earth Did you do all the exercises up to page 61 in your Workbook

We'll start with the exercises in your books:
 Can you do it? (page 82,83/ Ex. 1-5)

Test yourself (Workbook) page 62-63.

8b/s Thursday 21.05.2020

Are you okay?
Topic: Writing a review:,, The best restaurant in our town"
KONSULTACJE  w poniedziałki godz.14.00

Today we're going to write a short test related to Past Simple/Continuous and the construction: used to/would.
We start at 8.35

Word formation Ex.A,B/94
Listening comprehension Ex.A, B/98 (6.8)
Speaking Ex.C/93
Useful Expression .page 99.

Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)
Grammar PSvs PC.(Ex,A,B/67)
Use of English (Ex.A/69)
Review of the best restaurant in Swinoujście (next Thursday)
Kartkówka PSvsPC   (21.05.2020)

środa, 20 maja 2020

DAVID GINALSKI 5 KLASA 20.05.2020 20.05.2020

Hello, David
How are you?
I hope you are very well!
                                                  I wish you health and happiness!                    

Witaj, Dawidku!
Chciałabym Ci wystawić ocenę na semestr. Dlatego wysyłam kilka ćwiczeń. Mam nadzieję,że Ci się spodobają. Mają formę gier komputerowych i są łatwe. Będziesz miał czas do 18.00 by je wysłać.
Dasz radę!Powodzenia!
 Życzę zdrówka!
Joanna Drajewicz

                                                      GOOD LUCK!




See you next time!
I wish you health and happiness!


Zaznacz prawidłowy przedmiot


Easy Word Search For Kids (With images) | Word games for kids ...


Domestic Animals vocabulary for kids learning English | Printable ...

8b/s Wednesday 20.05.2020

Hello, guys!
How are you doing?
Topic:Construction: used to /would 

Grammar guide in Unit 6 - page 152 in your Student's Book
Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)
Grammar PSvs PC.(Ex,A,B/67)
Use of English (Ex.A/69ic Construction: used to/Would


6b gr.2 Wednesday 21.05.2020

Hello, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: What do you think about life in the future?

Homework: Ex.1,2/60
Are you optimistic or rather pessimistic about the future on Earth?
Reading comprehension.Ex.1,2,3,4.

Michał W Wednesday 20.05.2020

Good morning Michał!
How are you today?
Topic: School subjects.

                                                              Michał obejrzyj filmik
Wypisz wszystkie przedmioty szkolne  i nazwy pomieszczeń w szkole i  przetłumacz je (.Str.42 w podręczniku.)
Podziel te słówka na dwie kategorie:
SCHOOL SUBJECTS:  history, art,....
SCHOOL ROOMS: library, canteen...,

                                                       See you next time


Nikola P. Wednesday 20.05.2020

Hello, Nikola!

How are you feeling?
Are you all right?
Topic: Revision of Unit 6.

 You were supposed to send me an essay. I haven't received any work of yours yet.
 Please, send it to me as soon as possible because I have to give you a semester grade.
 Today's lesson will be devoted to analyzing the further trial exam. Do it and send me the answers          by email.



wtorek, 19 maja 2020

6b gr.1 Tuesday 19.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
Are you okay?

Topic: What will you do in five years?



Reading comprehension.Ex.1,2,3,4.

The Universe  Ex.14.05.20
1in spin                                                                                                  
2in turn
3in orbit
11the big Bang

1w wirze
2z kolei
3na orbicie
9Element, pierwiastek
11Wielki Wybuch

Oliwier K. Tuesday 19.05.2020

Hello, Olivier!
How are you?

                                                    Short test  UNIT 1

Rozwiąż test i wyślij wyraźne zdjęcie na mojego emaila:joanna.dra@pracowniasp1.pl 
Termin: do dzisiaj do 18.00!
Napisz odpowiedzi na komputerze .

                                                             Good Luck!

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasownika ,,być"

What ....... your name?
I ...... 11 years old.
Where ......you from?
We ...... from Poland.
She ......very tall.
When .....your birthday?

II.Family -przetłumacz na j. polski:

aunt -
daughter -
cousin -
children -
uncle -
parents - 

III.. Przetłumacz na j. angielski:
młody -
zabawny -
ciemny -
broda - 

                                                       Do your best! Good luck!😀

6b gr.2 Tuesday 19.05.2020

Hello, guys!
How are you doing today?

Topic: Writing time.

Checking the vocabulary.Ex.5,6/81 Student's book
Reading comprehension Ex1,2,3,4./60 Workbook
Phrase Book -  making predictions
Play with sounds -pronouncing the ch,ck.
Writing time: predictions for the Future

poniedziałek, 18 maja 2020

Helena D. Monday 18.05.2020

Hello, Helena!

How are you feeling?
Are you all right?

Thank you very much for your essay. You got a very good grade. I think it's the last written work because I have the right number of grades. As usual, your work was mature and complete.
I liked it a lot. Today we will continue to practice grammar.



Do it and send it to my email address.

See you next time and take care
Joanna Drajewicz

6e dz. Monday 18.05.2020

Hello, girls!
Are you okay?

Topic: Present Continuous for future arrangements
Grammar- Present Continuous -
Przeczytaj część gramatyczną na str.41 w podręczniku na temat czasu Present Continuous.
Przeanalizuj budowę i stosowanie.  Ex.1,2/38


6e ch. Monday 18.05.2020

Hello , everybody!
How are you today?

Topic: Present Continuous for future arrangements
Grammar- Present Continuous -
Przeczytaj część gramatyczną na str.41 w podręczniku na temat czasu Present Continuous.
Przeanalizuj budowę i stosowanie.  Ex.1,2/38


piątek, 15 maja 2020

6a gr.2 Thursday 14.05.2020

Hello, everyone!
How are you doing?
Topic: Future Simple

Grammar - Future Simple
Struktura, użycie, kiedy stosujemy czas Future Simple ? Ex.7,8/77

Page:56,57 in Woorkbook

Pamietacie o nauczeniu się słówek na piątek - KARTKÓWKA.

Workbook Ex.1/56

6c gr.2 Friday 15. 05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: Science fiction
Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować temat "Science fiction", ale naszym tematem przewodnim będzie
Future Simple - Grammar.
Struktura czasu Future Simple - reguły stosowania.(Ex.6 oraz Tabela z przykładami zdań).
Znajdzcie  w tekscie czasowniki w czasie Future Simple.

Ćwiczenia- formy zdań oznajmujące, przeczące i pytające(.Ex.7,8/77).
Workbook. (Future SImple Ex. 3-7/56)

 SHORT TEST UNITU 5 -(21.05 2020, w czwartek)
Słówka +Present Pertect PISZEMY ONLINE

6b gr.2 Friday 15.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: In the future

1. Text,, In the future" (2.19)
2.Listening comprehension Ex 2
3.Phrasal Book Ex.3
4. Reading comprehension. Ex.6
5.Put dialogues in the correct order Ex.5

6b gr1 Friday 15.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?
Topic: In the future
1.Text,, In the future" (2.19)
2.Listening comprehension Ex. 2
3.Phrasal Book Ex.3
4. Reading comprehension. Ex.6
5. Put sentences of the dialogue in the correct order Ex.5

What do you think about life on Earth in the future?
Are you optimistic or rather pessimistic? (5-10 sentences)

Thank you!
Have a nice weekend!
Joanna Drajewicz

4b Friday 15.05.2020

Hello, my friends!
How are you doing?

Moi drodzy,

 Dzisiaj napiszecie kartkówkę z 15 słówek i wyrażeń, które znajdują się w Podręczniku na stronie.30   ( KEY WORDS i  PHRASE BOOK)
Słówka dotyczą Unitu 2 . Nauczcie się ich dobrze - aby otrzymać najlepszą ocenę.
Spotkamy się ONLINE o godzinie 13.00 w piątek.Wtedy opublikuję kartkówkę na Waszym Blogu. Po zapoznaniu się z treścią kartkówki, przetłumaczycie 15 słówek na język angielski.
To będzie wszystko.
Kto przetłumaczy wszystkie słówka - będzie mógł opuścić lekcję online!
See you!
Good luck!

czwartek, 14 maja 2020

6c Thursday 14.05.2020

Hi, guys!
Are you okay?

Topic: Grammar -Future Simple
Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować temat "The sky at night", ale naszym tematem przewodnim będzie
Future Simple - Grammar.
Struktura czasu Future Simple - reguły stosowania.(Ex.6 oraz Tabela z przykładami zdań).
Znajdzcie  w tekscie czasowniki w czasie Future Simple.

Ćwiczenia- formy zdań oznajmujące, przeczące i pytające(.Ex.7,8/77).
Workbook. (Future SImple Ex. 3-7/56)

 SHORT TEST UNITU 5 - JUTRO , w piątek
Słówka +Present Pertect PISZEMY ONLINE


6b gr.1 Thursday 14.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
How are you doing?

                                                      Topic: Science fictionThe Universe/Space vocabulary

1.Reading comprehension 2.16 (Vocabulary)
2.Name the paragraph. (Ex.2/78)
3.Mind map.(Ex.4/78)
4.Listening & answering the questions. (Ex.5/79)
5. Grammar - Future Simple - time expressions.

8b/s Thursday 14.05 2020

Are you okay?

Topic: Skill Checkpoint 6.
Today we're going to write a short test related to Past Simple. We start at 8.30. Then we go back to the subject of PS vs PS. Then we will discuss the construction: used to/would.

Theoretical part: Grammar guide in Unit 6 - page 152 in your Student's Book
Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)
Grammar PSvs PC.(Ex,A,B/67)
Use of English (Ex.A/69)


5b Thursday 14.05.2020

Hello, everybody!                                                                                                                            How are you today?
W pierwszym zadaniu należy podpisać właściwe sprzęty i odszukać je w diagramie: 
Zadanie to proszę wysłać na mojego maila :joanna.dra@pracowniasp1.pl


        Ex.2   Wpisz właściwą literę obok numeru mebla lub sprzętu.

Furniture and Appliances - English ESL Worksheets for distance ...


środa, 13 maja 2020

Nikola P. Wednesday 13.05.2020

Hi, Nicola!
How are you feeling?
Are you all right?

Hello, Nikola!

Last time you wrote, you were sending me an essay on pandemic and impact on your life. I haven't received your work yet Please, send it to me as soon as possible because I have to give you a semester grade.

Today's lesson will be devoted to analyzing the further trial exam. Do it and send me the answers to my email.


6b gr.2 Wednesday 13.05.2020

Hi, guys!
 Topic: Grammar -Future Simple


Dzisiaj będziemy kontynuować temat "The sky at night", ale naszym tematem przewodnim będzie
Future Simple - Grammar.
Struktura czasu Future Simple - reguły stosowania.(Ex.6 oraz Tabela z przykładami zdań).
Znajdzcie  w tekscie czasowniki w czasie Future Simple.

Ćwiczenia- formy zdań oznajmujące, przeczące i pytające(.Ex.7,8/77).
Workbook. (Future SImple Ex. 3-7/56)

Praca z tekstem:"The sky at night"
Reading and listening comprehension: Ex.1,2,3/76
Speaking Ex.2/Workbook.

8b/s Wednesday 13.05.2020

Hello, everybody!
How are you doing today?

Topic: Repetition of past tenses: Past Simple vs Past Continuous

 Construction: used to and would


Theoretical part: Grammar guide in Unit 6 - page 152 in your Student's Book
Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)Past Simple vs. Past Continuous. - English ESL Worksheets for ...

Michał W. Wednesday 13.05.2020

Hello, Michał!
Are you okay?
Topic: Let's play together!
Kids Playing With Friends Art, HD Png Download

Oliwier ,wpisz  temat oraz słówka z Phrase Book ze strony 28 w Podręczniku.
Tłumaczenie do słówek znajdziesz na stronie30.
Możesz wysłuchać nagrań z dialogami.Na stronie:  docwiczenia.pl  znajdziesz KOD:3BYE64.
Tekst nagrania:40.

Writing Time.(Ćwiczenie 7/2). Wykonaj ćwiczenie ,zrób zdjęcie i wyślij na mój adres:
Wybierz właściwe słówka z tekstu na podstawie obrazka.

That's all for today!
See you and take care!
Joanna Drajewicz😀

wtorek, 12 maja 2020

Oliwier K. Tuesday 12.05.2020

Hello, my friend!
Topic: Where is he from? He is from England. He is English.

Najpierw przypomnij sobie odmianę czasownika ,,to be" - być  na stronie 27 w podręczniku.Potem  uzupełnij tabelkę ,,Where are they from?"  Sprawdz, zrób zdjęcie i wyślij na mój adres:


  Ex.7/27 Przeczytaj ,,Writing Time" w podręczniku.Patrząc na ilustrację- uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi słówkami.


  See you next Tuesday!
   Joanna Drajewicz😀