czwartek, 21 maja 2020

8b/s Thursday 21.05.2020

Are you okay?
Topic: Writing a review:,, The best restaurant in our town"
KONSULTACJE  w poniedziałki godz.14.00

Today we're going to write a short test related to Past Simple/Continuous and the construction: used to/would.
We start at 8.35

Word formation Ex.A,B/94
Listening comprehension Ex.A, B/98 (6.8)
Speaking Ex.C/93
Useful Expression .page 99.

Differences between PS and PC (Ex.A, B/152)
Construction: "used to" and "would"  (Ex.B,C/153)
Grammar PSvs PC.(Ex,A,B/67)
Use of English (Ex.A/69)
Review of the best restaurant in Swinoujście (next Thursday)
Kartkówka PSvsPC   (21.05.2020)

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