poniedziałek, 30 marca 2020

8a Helena Dietrich

Helena Dietrich

Hello, my dear!
 We haven't seen each other for ages. Is everything all right? How are you feeling? I hope everything's fine

I wonder what you've been doing lately?
Even though life is not so optimistic, today I'm going to send you my favourite song, which may make you feel better for a while.

I'd like you to write about how the coronavirus situation has affected your life. If you have time write what you think about it. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? How do you think our life will look like in six months' time?
Write an essay and send it to my address:

 This Wednesday we're going to have a rehearsal English exam for those who want to take part. You can try it. I'm sure you'll do great as usual.
I'll send you a link on Tuesday evening if you like. Let me know by writing in the commentary under this post.
 The link is:https://cke.gov.pl/egzamin-osmoklasisty/materialy-dodatkowe/arkusze-probne-2020/
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
See you next time!

Joanna Drajewicz

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