czwartek, 16 kwietnia 2020

6b gr.1 Thursday ,16.04.2020

6b gr.1
Hello, everybody!
How was your Easter?
Did you enjoy it?

Topic:Present Perfect with,, ever"


                                        Wypiszcie 10 przykładów  zdań z ,,ever" i przetłumaczcie je , np:
                                                  Have you ever seen this famous film?
                                             Czy kiedykolwiek widziałeś ten słynny film?

 1. Look at the table on page 67.

 2. Find examples in Mardi Gras p.66/5

 3. We're looking for 10 examples in the YT video dialogue.

 4. Exercise 6/67 - Put sentences in Present Perfect (all forms.)

 5. Speaking - Work in pairs.Ćw7/67

W piątek  (17.04.2020)  zapraszam Was na  j.angielski  on- line godz.

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