czwartek, 2 kwietnia 2020

8b/s 1 & 2 02.04.2020

Hello, my friends!


 The topic for today is;
Countable and uncountable nouns.

You can read the Grammar Guide on page 151 in your books  OR
Watch this video if you have problems with: many, much, (a)few, (a)little

Watch this video if you have problems with: some , any, no


 I recommend these videos, especially for those who don't want to learn. Not bad at all.
                                                   Did you like it? I really enjoyed it.

Ex.D,E/65 w Zeszycie ćwiczeń.

Let me know if any of you have taken the exam. If not, everyone will be able to check it out, because the test sheet will be on the CKE website with the key tomorrow.


Topic: Collocations & Expressions

Study and learn by heart (naucz się na pamięć!)

have sympathy             - współczuć

get married                   - wziąć ślub
pay a compliment         - wyrazić uznanie, komplement
pay a visit                     - złożyć wizytę 
keep  a diary                 - prowadzić dziennik                                                                                       keep a secret                 - utrzymać w tajemnicy  
have a family                -mieć rodzinę
get divorced                  -rozwieść się
fall in love                     -zakochać się
fall to pieces                  -rozpadać się na kawałki

EX B, C/80 (Podręcznik) 
Take a photo and send it on:

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