poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2020

Helena Dietrich Monday 20.04.2020

Hello, Helena!
 How are you today?

Today's topic is a repetition of conditional sentences 1 and 2.

Last time we discussed conditional sentences. So today we'll summarize our knowledge on the subject. Listen to this lecture.  It's clear, well explained and funny at the same time.

 Wybierz odpowiedzi tak, aby utworzyć‡ poprawne tryby warunkowe.
 I'm sure you can do it.

  • 1. If I get tired, I------------ study hard.
  • 2. If it is cold, people------------warm clothes.
  • 3. If I---------------the king of France, I would have a big party.
  • 4. If I were you, I-------------------lend poor Tom some money.
  • 5. If you came with me, I------------------be overjoyed.
  • 6. If I------------------more last year, I wouldn't have failed my examinations then.
  • 7. We are unable to work outside if-----------------cold.
  • 8. If I-------------him, I wouldn't have lied to you.

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