wtorek, 7 kwietnia 2020

6b gr.1 Tuesday 07.04.2020

6b gr.1

                          wersja w j. polskim dostępna na blogu 6bgr.2 (07.04.2020)                    

Hello, everybody!
Are you okay?

Topic: British Holidays EASTER

 Hello, in the last lesson we talked about the celebration of the Mardi Gras tradition, which takes place before Lent.

Today we will learn the vocabulary associated with Easter. You will see a video about Easter customs in England.

You have got a choice,  you can  translate:,, Easter in Poland" or,, British Holidays -Easter"

 The task of each group (1 and 2) will be to translate the video text into Polish. Divide it between yourselves. Everybody will have 1-2 pages to translate. The group that does it better will receive very good marks. Deadline:2 weeks.

Happy Easter!

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